What we stand for

We commit to projects that contribute to a better future. We want to improve the social, mental and physical wellbeing of others and support the environmental, social and economic sustainability of our world.

At the heart of each project we work to ensure that everyone who takes part – as a contributor, a participant or in the community that is impacted – feels that their contribution to the project matters. The beauty of our experiences comes from the community we get to share them with.

By engaging this approach we can all leave a legacy to be proud of that will benefit generations to come.

Our approach

We bring together brands, organisations, places, events, communities and people who are passionate about improving sustainability and wellbeing. We encourage them to be vibrant and bold with how they approach these issues.

VIBRANCY speaks to the energy and life of how we exist and express to others about what is important to us. Vibrancy attracts attention and encourages others to take part.

Being BOLD is about showing a willingness to take risks by standing up and expressing what you are passionate about. It takes confidence and courage which are skills that we can help develop and nurture.

Our background

The Positive Projects Group was founded in 2013 by Ruby Lucas to support people who want to bring positive change to their lives and those around them.

Having faced her own struggles with finding meaning and purpose in life and work, Ruby wanted to create a community that is focused on creating a better future for ourselves and generations to come through sustainability and wellbeing.

Since then we have helped people to see their unique value, get ideas off the ground, affect change, produce and consume goods and services consciously and we’ve also helped people and communities connect in valuable and meaningful ways.

By working together we can all leave a legacy to be proud of and live vibrant and bold lives in the process.